Welcome everyone to the new Friends of Bulgaria website. I think there may have been several reincarnations of this type of group but it seems that a PCV-related friends website was never maintained. So yes, there is a National Peace Corps Association affiliated Friends of Bulgaria site as well as a Peace Corps Bulgaria Facebook page. How is this any different, you ask? This website aims to connect past and present Bulgaria PCVs and RPCVs (and friends), has resources for both, including where to get your Bulgarian rakia fix stateside, and connect you to Bulgarian communities and related activities in the US and in Bulgaria. This includes blogs, events, businesses, and news. This is a community initiated resource, meaning anyone at all interested in contributing to content is more than welcome to. Please contact [email protected] for details on how. Volunteer editors are welcome and will be added to the Weebly list.

Thanks and as always всичко хубаво,

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